How To Find Your Passion And Live Your Purpose pt.4

Are You Living For Your Passion and Your Purpose? What will you do today to get you closer to achieving your dreams and goals for your life? Too often, we find ourselves getting motivated to start living our purpose once we read a good article or watch a video, but we don’t commit ourselves to action. I believe part of the problem is, we don’t know the exact thing that God has called us to do.

This post is dedicated to helping you take the next steps to reaching your purpose by helping you to focus on that one thing that God has given you to do.

In school, you had particular interests; there were subjects you loved and those you didn’t. The subjects you enjoyed and got more of your attention were probably ones you were the most passionate about. You could have been very good at sports, music, acting or even math. But what you loved doing the most is what drove you to stay up those late nights or woke you up early in the morning to work on. Can you imagine, having that same drive and passion today?

The good news is that you can. Once you have found “who you are” then you are ready for the next step, which is to find out “what do you do?”

A quick way to find out the answer to “what do you do” is to think about what you enjoy sharing with others. Think of two; they could be Jesus and painting. Maybe you like inviting people over to host paint parties and going around the room sharing testimonies. Or it could be teaching and poetry, singing and writing or even cooking and cleaning. Whatever the two are, make sure that they are representative of the two qualities you are most passionate expressing or sharing with others.

Author Adam Leipzig asked the question during his TEDx talk this way; what do you love to do? Do you love to write, cook, design, sing, crunch numbers, preach, or teach? What do you love to do? And if there are lots of things that come up for you, narrow it down by asking yourselves this one question:

What is the one thing, right now, you feel supremely qualified to teach other people?

If you were an author and love to tell stories and write books, you would answer the question like this:

What do you do? I ‘m an author.

Ok, now your turn. Think about it in one or two words.

Hold it.

Don’t release it yet.

On the count of five, I want you to say it aloud.

Got it? Ok.

One, two, three, four, five.

What do you do?

I am a ____________.

Did you say aloud, did you fill in the blank? Great!

Now you have just put a title to your purpose because you and only you alone know what you’re the most passionate about. It’s what you would do if you never got paid a dime. You might not do it perfectly, but it doesn’t matter because you enjoy learning about your passion just as much as you love sharing it. This is your assignment; this is what you do!

Finding your purpose is a matter of finding the reason God created you. Ephesians 2:10 says: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.”

The closer you get to finding your purpose, the closer you get to living it. Have you ever thought that there might be somebody out there waiting for you to start walking towards your purpose? Look at how many people around you are still sitting in the same place they were last year. If you started moving toward your dreams, you might inspire another person to start moving. Soon your whole family could be motivated to start finding out their passions and living their lives on purpose.

One of the people I look up to is motivational speakers Les Brown. He once said this about pursuing your purpose: “You might find it difficult saying that you can do something, but you can at least admit that it’s possible.”

If you can believe that anything is possible, then you are closer to believing that it can happen for you. Don’t let anyone deter you from dreaming. Don’t let anyone stop you from believing. Surround yourself with positive people, because if you ask the person that has failed at a thing …can it be done? They’ll probably say no. But if you ask a person that has had success doing a thing …can it be done? They’ll probably say …it’s possible.

Don’t let anyone deter you from dreaming. Don’t let anyone stop you from believing. Click To Tweet

It’s OK to pray for your dreams

One last point of emphasis I want to stress before we close this chapter is this; don’t let your circumstances stop you from praying for your dreams. Even Jesus prayed at Gethsemane, saying, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” (Matt 26:39) One of the most important prayers I have ever learned was:

“Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done. On earth, as it is in heaven.”
(Matt 6:9-10)

It may sound simple, and you may have heard it a thousand times, but it is a prayer of supernatural strength. If you believe God has a purpose for your life, then pray that God gives you the ability and the strength to start living your dream today. Let your heart and mind commit to this purposefully, and life will find a way to meet you there.

Question: What’s Preventing You from Living Your Passion and Your Purpose?

Feel free to leave your answer below in the comment section of the blog. I will use the most common responses and develop them into future blog posts to help others.
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